
Chabad of Downtown serves Jews living and working in Canton, Fells Point, Harbor East, Little Italy, Mount Vernon, Federal Hill and the downtown business district.

The Chabad organization has 43 institutions throughout the state, including community centers, service organizations and educational institutions.

“We were attracted by the development and opportunity we saw around downtown, and Chabad of Maryland was looking to bring down a [married] couple to reestablish Chabad’s presence in the downtown area,” said Rabbi Druk.

Chabad of Downtown’s first year of operation was fraught with myriad challenges, admits Rabbi Druk.

“We needed to get used to a new place and learn what people’s needs were,” he says. “[But] it was also really exciting to be able to get started and make a lot of new friends.”

The rabbi calls the last few years “fantastic, a blessing. We’ve seen a lot of growth, but there is still so much to do.”

Rabbi Druk emphasizes that Chabad is welcoming to all Jews “regardless of background or affiliation. … We believe the Torah is every Jew’s inheritance. We are just here to share with them what is theirs.”

For information about Chabad of Downtown, call 410-605-0505 or visit .

Haydee M. Rodriguez is a Baltimore-based freelance writer.

Photo of Chani and Rabbi Levi Druk provided by Chabad of Downtown

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