Chabad Lubavitch of Downtown Baltimore is a financially independent institution. Our programs and activities are only made possible through the generous assistance of partners such as yourself. Please donate today! Contributions are tax deductible.

Donation Methods


To donate by check: Make your contribution payable to: Chabad of Downtown and mail to: 407 S. High St. Baltimore, MD 21202

Debit or Credit Card

To donate using your debit or credit card: Please submit your contribution via our secure and encrypted webpage by clicking here or call our office at 410-605-0505


To donate using your PayPal account: Please submit your information by clicking here and you will then be redirected to the PayPal webpage

Chai Club

Join the Chai Club: Pledge a monthly donation in multiples of Chai. Your small monthly gift will make a big difference! Learn more by clicking here.


Place Chabad of Downtown's Pushkah in your home or office. The small change will make a big difference. Contact Us and we'll bring/send your Pushkah.

Calendar Campaign

Join the Calendar Campaign: Place your ad or greeting in downtown Jewish Art Calendar or dedicate a day in memory or honor of a loved one’s Yartzeit, birthday or anniversary. Learn more by clicking here.


Donate In Kind: Have an item you think we can use or a pro-bono service you’d like to provide? Please contact us at 410-605-0505 or by clicking here. Your item or service may be tax deductible.

 Dedication & Sponsorship Opportunities

  • $54 Sponsor Shabbat Hospitality for a visitor.

  • $54 Dedicate a Siddur or other Jewish Educational Book for the Chabad House Library.
    Your contribution will be acknowledged inside book cover.

  • $72 Dedicate a Chumash or other Jewish Educational Book for the Chabad House Library.
    Your contribution will be acknowledged inside book cover.

  • $100 Sponsor a Torah Study class.
    Your contribution will be acknowledged online and at lesson.

  • $180 Sponsor one month of Chabad’s Jewish content filled website, Your contribution will be acknowledged online at the bottom of our home page.

  • $360 Sponsor a Shabbat day Kiddush.
    Your sponsorship will be recognized online and at event.

  • $540 sponsor a Young Jewish Professionals upcoming Shabbat Dinner
    Your contribution will be acknowledged online and at event.

  • $720 Dedicate furniture or technology, such as bookshelf, office desk, computer etc.
    Your contribution can be acknowledged on item.

  • $1000 Sponsor Holiday Activities for an upcoming holiday. Your contribution will be recognized online and elsewhere.

  • $1800 Sponsor a share of our annual budget and become a partner in Jewish continuity. Your contribution will be recognized on our online honor wall.

  • $3600 Sponsors Chabad’s next publication, such as the printing and mailing of holiday guides or magazines and bring the beauty of Yidishkeit to hundreds of Jewish homes. Your dedication or ad will be acknowledged in the printing.

    Please indicate your dedication interest in memo when making you contribution.

Honor Wall

The virtual honor wall recognizes the leadership, vision and dedication of Chabad of Downtown’s partners.

Thank you on behalf of all those who benefit from your kindheartedness & generosity!